How to Get a Hot Guy to Ask You Out – 3 Simple Steps to Follow
Get a Hot Guy – Still waiting for that hottie to ask you out? Do you feel like no guy has ever asked you out? Do you feel like you’re the only one that doesn’t have someone taking care of her on?”
Well, there’s absolutely nothing wrong with you, though. Many women feel this way and they blame it on the so-called men “loving the chicks”, latching on to any available man and refusing to commit, holding back and waiting for “The One” to come along.
I say that’s BULL- grappled,rete unaccompanied! In your shoes, wouldn’t YOU love to have a great guy in your life who treats you like a lady, listens to you, loves your mind, share your interests and hobbies?
Wouldn’t you love to have that super hot guy in your life asking you out, planning that first big date and setting up that marriage contract?
Now, the first step to getting a boyfriend is getting rid of the locks on the romantic door. Men don’t come knocking at your door and demanding you hand over your life, your dreams and your heart. You have a lot to offer and there is a good-looking man sitting just around the corner who would make you so proud. He would stand out the crowd because he knows what he wants and knows how to get it.
There are a lot of shortcut pointers to the way you are going to be attracting men. These are three of the tricks I use when I am at a loss on how to get a boyfriend.

- (1) Don’t try too hard. If you’re the kind of woman who falls for that flashy, steamy and shallow guy in the club, you are wasting time. He is used to that and those types of men will ALWAYS slip through his fingers. Believe me, you want to be the kind of woman who is attractive, fun, carefree and most of all… happy! When you’re all of those things in your own way, HE will find you more interesting.
- (2) Make an effort to get to know him. If you’re the type who sits at home and fantasizes all night about those Caribbean holidays, you need to get out there and make your world a better place. Get out there and meet some guys and you just might meet your future boyfriend. Or better Get a Hot Guy… maybe he is already your boyfriend and you just don’t know it. Let nothing hold you back anymore… it’s time for you to find out how to get a boyfriend who will not leave you to fend for yourself because he’s got your back.
- (3) Be complimentary. Women often complain about feeling taken for granted, unappreciated and misunderstood by their husbands, boyfriends and lovers. Stop it. He doesn’t have to unduly prove himself to you. It’s your turn to give him a little sizzle. Compliment him when he does something you like or see the great smile on his face. Men like it when you notice their little quirks, aren’t afraid to praise them and make them comfortable with you too.
It’s time you had the confidence to truly let him know what you want and that it’s alright for him to ask you out! Remember, that’s his job, you don’t have to be in control at all times. Men like to be told what to do and how things are going. Be a little observant and compliment him every now and then. Men truly appreciate it.